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Advanced Muscle Testing

If you are a seasoned muscle tester or a practitioner, do you want to take your abilities to a deeper level?

This course is designed for YOU!

The information is not seen anywhere else except very advanced chiropractic seminars that cost THOUSANDS of dollars. 

This information is for getting SUPER specific with your questions and understanding accurately what the solution is! IF you want an easy way to get accurate results from your body or from your patients' bodies when muscle testing, then do this course NOW! I promise you won't be disappointed.

The advanced muscle testing workshop will include:
-Calibrating your testing (for when your results are weird and you are not new to this)
-Identity calibration
-Multi-layer testing-- ie if something that should be good for you makes you weak, what will make you strong?
-Knowing if the weak response is due to needed emotional, nutritional, energetic, or structural changes
-Understand the primary issue when faced with multiple issues
-Testing for statements AND processing them out so the statement is strong when you are finished

When I first started muscle testing, this was the information I had available and I am SO grateful that I had it. When I started talking to other people about muscle testing, it seemed like they would use it for fun or as a novelty.

What I couldn't understand is WHY they weren't using it in all the amazing power it can have to truly change someone's life. And then I realized-- It's because they don't know HOW!

This is way more detail than the basic strong/weak muscle testing that most people are used to. And it's at a fraction of the price that most other places will charge for it.

This will change your life and supercharge your efficiency of results in your practice!

If you are a practitioner who recommends supplements--

you can ask exactly how many this person needs and when they need them

you can find out if there is an emotional or structural component that decreases a need for supplements

You will get to the root cause SO fast that your clients and patients will recommend you everywhere!

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 Advanced Muscle testing
 $123.00 USD

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